Reassess for Less Stress

Reassess for Less Stress

The holidays, on a normal year (whatever that might mean for you), can be stressful. The holiday season in 2020? Well, if you are anything like us here at ATW it seems even more so.

We did a little research to save our own sanity, and came across some hints and tips from an older article at the Mayo Clinic that we think are still applicable to our current climate.

1. Be Realistic. The holidays aren't going to be perfect this year—nor are they likely to be the same as last year. This is okay. Instead of bending over backwards to create something that might not be possible, try to make the best of what you can. Schedule Zoom meetings, have group chats, and stay in touch as much as you can.

2. Take a breather. When you feel yourself start to stress out over plans, shopping, baking, or just trying to keep some sense of normalcy in a seemingly crazy world—stop. Take a nap, read for a few minutes on a new book, watch a movie... Just spend some time on you so you can recharge.

3. Seek professional help if you need it. This year is unprecedented. Normal holiday stress can be bad enough, but holidays in the time of COVID-19 have the potential to seriously overwhelm. If you feel yourself needing some extra help, please contact a professional who can help guide you through it.

We at ATW are going to be trying, like you, to make the best of this holiday season. Reach out to us in the comments and let us know your favorite hints and tips for staying relaxed.

Happy Holidays!
